"We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations."

Anaïs Nin

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday...Bye Daddy...

he passed away last Saturday morning...Actually that's a relief, he had a stroke a few days ago and was completely paralysed...and anyway he was 87 and had a long loving life with Mum...as you are my friends I can tell you my last souvenir...last time I saw him was in July...Thomas was at home for a few days so he could stay with hubby...mum had just left the hospital and was very tired...I helped her undress...Dad arrived and said: Oh I could have done it ! he quickly quickly undress and ran all naked to get his pyjamas , ran to the bed, took mum in his arms and said: "that's better"...that was the last time i saw him, the following morning I had to leave very early and didn't want to wake him up...63 years of a marriage (1945/2008), with ups and downs and 6 children, little money...but such great love...and they were so beautiful the two of them...Mum is very tired...bound to be...

so Saturday morning after my sister's phone-call I went to my room and made an "altered book..."my first one, to evocate a bit my parents'life...

just to say they grew up, loved each other, educated children, and did their best...that's what we all do, don't we ?at least we try...so the pictures are in Sarah's blog...just click HERE...

see you my sweethearts, take care...

and what do we remember ? love, tenderness and cherries, the flavour of cherries...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


And please, visit your English friend Old-woman, she's back in a new decor...

that's all for Today, see you next next week my friends !...

Grandma Mousie

When all the mousies meet a very sad little tree who lost its head, they try to help him to find another one ...that's Grandma's last story...that's all HERE...a must before you go to bed, and you'll practise your French that way...


is drawing houses, caravan, small hut...near the lake...she'd like to win the competition and get a stamp made out of her drawings...I know there're a bit childish ! but that's Pixabeille !

Back to Tuesday !!!

Time is really flying away...Today a friend gave me a great address on the net...if you want to make small texts in a funny way...for instance, this text would give this :
the address is HERE, just click...you may read more on Sarah's blog...and see her last virtual collages...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Pixabeille made lots of buttons for her friends of the forum ! and imagined a silly story about it !!! such great fun !!!
Click on the picture to see them all !

Impatience du Zaïre

Peaceful Mousie managed to grow a beautiful plant given by her sister...the flowers are really gorgeous ! Click on the picture, in Alexine's blog you'll see more !

Olympic games

Olympic games could be so nice, so beautiful...if there was no flags, no banners...just young boys and girls from free countries trying to be the best one just for the pleasure of enjoying themselves...On Sarah's blog, Old woman watched Tv and saw what they called The games, then she saw the sacred mountain of Tibet, and felt sad for these people...she tried to make a new dream-catcher and spent the night, meditating...
but in the morning the dream catchers had caught sad pictures from all over the world...
so Old woman kneeled down and cried...

Monday, August 11, 2008

a candle for Aloha

For what is it to die,
But to stand in the sun and melt into the wind?
~Kahlil Gibran, from "The Prophet"

Today, our friend Aloha is standing in the sun of Hawaï, for ever and she melt in the wind...I lit a candle for her...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

as for my little sister, I know you were here, just could feel it...i could see your pink pyjamas through the trees, comme on love ! breakfast is ready !!! i'm looking for a pink cup for you...
helena, join us, what colour would you like ?

Tuesday's afternoons

Come along everybody, that's our first Tuesday together...I know some of you were frustrated not to follow all the adventures in Plumpiemousie and P aisible et cie...
so Every Tuesday, (why Tuesday ? one knows, don't you my sweet Prairie-star) i'll give you in English some explanations about the blogs...to see the details, just click on the pictures, they 'll take you to the blogs, magic, isn't it !!
now come on girls, tea is ready !!!biscuits as well...

news from "le pays des mille lunes"

something extremely important happened, Galipou, the small character living in the "thousand moons country" participated to a circle-journal...there he met a nice girl Marceline...they decided to live near Elise's house and they got married !!! of course marceline was quite different when she was in the circle journal but she was obliged to change her clothes, living in such a place would be difficult with long dresses...

news from Pixabeille

remember she made this some months ago, for a competition organized by "Union Knopf France" a company making buttons...the theme was; customize a cloth with buttons...
She won first prize and is very proud !!!
She now shows you the mail art she makes "mail-art envoyés"
she receives from friends "mail-art reçus", the at trading cards she makes and receives...

news from Grandma mousie

I created a short story for Esther, Scrapazimut's little girl...
Yvonnick and the nuts, sure you'll recognize Yvonnick, he's one of my grand-children...
He's living with his mum in a caravan in the forest "Coat-Noz, the wood of the night" that's in Breton...he helped Mum to paint the caravan then decided to look for nuts...couldn't find any...spent the night in the forest...everybody was sleeping...a good job big bird helped him and sent him some nuts...so back to the caravan...and the big bed...

Monday, August 4, 2008

news from Sarah...

I've been working hard lately with all my friends from Mixed-media forum...love it actually...So if you visit me, you'll see small cards, collages, "paintings"...etc...
they're all here, just click on the picture...
you'll see, the desert , the mountains in Asia or America, the sea, haïkus on buttons and pages, a small cartoon ,Rome and Dolce Vita...
I used, papers, plastered tissues, gesso, transparent, pearls, wire, newspapers, shells, sans, wood...to illustrate my dreams...