he passed away last Saturday morning...Actually that's a relief, he had a stroke a few days ago and was completely paralysed...and anyway he was 87 and had a long loving life with Mum...as you are my friends I can tell you my last souvenir...last time I saw him was in July...Thomas was at home for a few days so he could stay with hubby...mum had just left the hospital and was very tired...I helped her undress...Dad arrived and said: Oh I could have done it ! he quickly quickly undress and ran all naked to get his pyjamas , ran to the bed, took mum in his arms and said: "that's better"...that was the last time i saw him, the following morning I had to leave very early and didn't want to wake him up...63 years of a marriage (1945/2008), with ups and downs and 6 children, little money...but such great love...and they were so beautiful the two of them...Mum is very tired...bound to be...
so Saturday morning after my sister's phone-call I went to my room and made an "altered book..."my first one, to evocate a bit my parents'life...
just to say they grew up, loved each other, educated children, and did their best...that's what we all do, don't we ?at least we try...so the pictures are in Sarah's blog...just click
see you my sweethearts, take care...
and what do we remember ? love, tenderness and cherries, the flavour of cherries...